1 Usb serial communication

  1. Transmission mode: serial USB.
  2. 1 packet per second.
  3. Description of packet content and format(json):
NO Field Type Length Value Description
1 deviId string   Device id
2 version string   Device version
3 t string   Timestamp
4 e int 1 0/1 Existential state
5 d float   Distance
6 fm float 0~100 Fast motion quantization
7 sm float 0~100 Slow motion quantization
8 r float   Respiration per minute
9 rw [float,….] 20*17   Raw waveform,20s,fps=17
10 rcw [float,….] 20*17   Respiration wavefoem,20s,fps=17

2 Websocket communication

  1. Transmission mode: websocket.
  2. 1 packet per second.
  3. Description of packet content and format(json):
NO Field Type Description
1 cmd string UpdateDashboard
2 respirationRate int Respiration per scecond
3 time long The timestamp of the last valid data
4 deviceName string Device name
5 fastmove float Fast motion quantization
6 slowmove float Slow motion quantization
7 range float Distance
8 exist bool Existential state
9 deviceid string Device id